M74D medium mechanical seal

M74D medium mechanical seal
Chemical centrifugal pump mechanical seal, KSB/Kaiquan water pump, vacuum pump, axial split pump, blower, paper machine
Detailed introduction
Structural features: single end, small spring, imbalance, independent rotation direction, drive sleeve transmission. This component can replace the original sealing components of KSB and Kaiquan pump.
Industrial standards: DIN24960, ISO3069 and GB6556-94
Scope of application: Mainly used in chemical processing, oil refining, petrochemical engineering, sewage treatment, pesticide and fertilizer production, such as chemical centrifugal pump, vacuum pump, axial shunt pump, fan, compressor, paper equipment, etc.
Operating parameters:
Pressure: 1.6 MPa or less
Temperature:- 20 ~ 180ºC
Linear speed: 20m/s or less
Medium: oil, water, acid, alkali, organic solvent and medium, easy to crystallize or with particles and high viscosity.
Custom: You can change the material to obtain other operating parameters. Communicate your requirements with us.